Judy Garland |      | But The World Goes Round |
Judy Garland |      | Come Rain Come Shine |
Judy Garland |      | Come Rain Or Come Shine |
Judy Garland |      | Come Rain Or Shine |
Judy Garland |      | Get Happy |
Judy Garland |      | Have Yourself A Merry Little Christ |
Judy Garland |      | I Cant Give You Anything But Love |
Judy Garland |      | Man That Got Away |
Judy Garland |      | Over The Rainbow |
Judy Garland |      | Rock A Bye Your Baby |
Judy Garland |      | Somewhere Over The Rainbow |
Judy Garland |      | Swanee |
Judy Garland |      | The Trolley Song |
Judy Garland |      | Trolley Song, The |
Judy Garland |      | Trolly Song |
Judy Garland |      | When Youre Smiling |
Judy Garland |      | You Made Me Love You |
Judy Garland |      | Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart |